Responses To Blog Post 2

Response to Emma:

I liked Emma’s in-depth explanation about exploring digital spaces. I agree with her on the accessibility and flexibility that online classes offer. I like online classes for this exact reason, allowing for a less stressful semester with added workability. Along with these benefits online classes also offer a wider range of students from different backgrounds to be able to access it. I liked Emma’s touch on the feeling of isolation and lack of connection that comes with online learning. With this feeling, it may be harder to contribute to an online space. A possible solution to this problem would be texting, calling, emailing, or even meeting up with classmates or teachers. This would benefit learning and the mental aspect of learning in a digital space. 

Response to Marina:

I liked Marina’s adaptation of pedagogy and its tie into drama. I enjoyed her connection to art and its way of engaging students to learn creatively. Throughout grade school, I took many forms of creative classes from dance, art, drama, to ceramics. These classes were my favourite as they kept me engaged and constantly learning. I agree that collaboration creates a positive learning process. I think that working with others helps inspire different forms of learning. When you work along with other students it allows for different points of view on one subject. This also allows for people to feel connected and boosts the mental aspect of learning. 

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